
Jayd Powell 0
Raylea Powell 1
Sophie Jones 2
Britney Sanchez 3
Kaylee Meyers 4
Julianna Bridges 6
Ella Daughtery 7
Kacie Cruz 8
Lizzie Blackstock 9
Erika Francisco-Gaspar 10
Gracie Underwood 11
Peyton Paul 12
Kylie Musto 13
Natalie Teague 15
Ella Watkins 16
Kristen Oliver 18
Lily West 19
Noemy Casllias 20
Karleigh Dean 21
Kamilla Hardin 22
Alexis White 23
Lauren Freeman 24
Addison Day 25
Elisa Gaspar 26
Maven Dykes 27
Anna Castillo 28
Avery Kuydendall 29
Abby Torres
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